- Hi, I'm Shauna Smith-Yates and today I have my friend Garrol with me joining me for this workout. Joseph Pilates being a male really focused a lot on the upper and lower body in a lot of his exercises. Today, I'm gonna be taking you through a workout with Garrol utilizing your cardio rebounder, your box and your pull, focusing on a lot of the exercises as Joseph Pilates did for your upper and your lower body. Are you ready Garrol? - Yes. - All right, let's get started. One leg lifted, we'll jump with one leg. And if you notice as Garrol's jumping, he's doing a nice job of rolling through the foot and pushing off with the ball of the foot and then landing and rolling through the foot again. All right Garrol, I'm gonna have you take your right arm, and you're gonna hold that strap. So it's the hand opposite of the pulley and you're gonna elbow your imaginary friend out to the side there. One. And two. Good. The next thing Garrol's going to do is come out to that plank and from there we're gonna go into an elephant or a pike. So he's gonna fold up at the hip and then come back to the plank five times. So when you're ready, Garrol, go ahead and lift your knees up, press straight out. Now from here, bring the hips up to the ceiling and then pressing back out to that plank, five times. One. And breathing, two, great. Nice work. Three.