- Hey everyone, my name is Jennifer, and I'm a physical therapist and a personal trainer. I'm here to introduce you to the Stamina Active Aging EasyStep. I'm gonna be going over the features of the EasyStep so you can make it real easy to create workouts in your own home. So the first thing we're gonna do is find that motion. And you're gonna move slowly through that making sure that when your knees extend you still have a little bend, probably about a 30-degree angle. I want you to think elliptical here. So the motion is gonna be this way. You can also do some interval training. So maybe you knock that up to a three or four. Work in that range for a few minutes. Bump it up to a five or six, work in that range. And just find those intervals that are most comfortable for you. You could also do a straight cardio burst, keeping yourself at one level for an extended period of time, and really get your heart rate up. And then one other option would be to do so some ladders where you're just building all the way up starting at that lower range, ending at the end at that top, the highest that you can go, and then bringing yourself slowly back down.