- Hi, today I'm going to take you through an intermediate mat workout. I'm a big proponent of taking my clients first to the tower or the reformer, so we can really start to build strength and perfect form, but obviously you can't always take a reformer with you. So let's get started with the warm-ups on the mat. Take your low back into the mat, and then let's lift one leg up at a time and bring 'em together. I'm gonna have you take a breath in, and then exhale, just nice and easily drop the legs to one side. Think about anchoring that opposite shoulder, and then bring the legs back up. You're gonna start with both your legs long, and your hip bones stacked. So we're gonna take that top leg, we're gonna lift it up, just to hip height. We're gonna flex the foot, and then pull it back down. We're gonna do that five times. We're gonna inhale, lift, exhale, fold to. We're gonna inhale, lift the arms up, nod the head, you're gonna exhale, roll all the way up, and over your legs. Still keep your abs engaged at the top. And then inhale, start to roll back down and exhale. Continue to roll back down. That's hard. Inhale.