- Hi, I'm Shauna Smith-Yates, and today I'm gonna be taking you through a back air workout on your AeroPilates Spine Corrector. So, these exercises are gonna help you strengthen and mobilize your spine, and get your spine feeling better, but we're also going to be taking you through some exercises that are gonna help strengthen your core muscles that support the spine, so that later on as you move through life, you'll be able to work pain free. Hit that side stretch again, and then go ahead and place that hand down so you can use that hand to support your journey back up to sitting, and then let's turn and do that on the other side. So I'm gonna have both knees bent, knee in line with my hip, bottom hand here to support myself as I take it all the way over. Let's do that again, exhale as you rotate. And you can even encourage a little more rotation by looking over that back shoulder, and then inhale, give yourself a push, and lift the chest to the ceiling. Let's do that one more time, and then we'll go to the other side. Back, so that your shoulder blades and your head are on the mat, your hands are holding on to the handles of the barrel or the side is fine, and you're gonna life your legs up to tabletop position. You're gonna bring your feet straight to the ceiling, you're gonna inhale to lower your legs down to where you are still kind of in neutral position at the pelvis, you're not arching your back, your abs are working, and then you're gonna lift your legs back up. So inhale, lower, exhale lift.