- Hi, today I'm gonna be taking you through an intermediate Magic Circle workout. So make sure you have your Magic Circle and a mat, and if you want grab a towel or something to put underneath your head, your low back, or your hip, if you need it during your exercises to make you more comfortable. Squeezing three. So in our essential workout we did this between the thighs, four, to really activate the inner thighs and help us, five, engage the abs, here, six, your really gonna be feeling the work through your upper body as well as your abdominals. Seven. So, bottom leg holds the circle down, and then that top leg rests on top of the circle. We're gonna use it for our arches, tracing the shape of the circle. Here we go. Lift, touch the front of the mat, lift, touch the back, one. you're gonna bring the circle over your head, you're gonna rotate to one side, so in previous workouts I had you round forward to activate the abdominals, this time I want you to hinge forward reach the circle towards the foot for a nice stretch, Bring it back up tall, and then come back to center. Inhale, rotate, hinge and reach for a stretch, back up tall, and back to center.