- Hi everyone, I'm Jennifer and I'm a fitness instructor at the studio. And today I'm gonna be walking you through a strength exercise program with the trampoline. What I'm gonna do is shift my weight over to my left and I'm gonna stick my right leg out. And as I do that, we're gonna try to balance a little bit. Pulling that left arm forward and then bring that right knee in. Kinda warming up the core. That foot when you step off is always gonna come right back to center, and step off. So this is called a lateral lunge. Let's go ahead and start. Coming down and in. Good, you wanna make sure that your feet are pointed forward. So a wide push-up, would look like this. Up and down. Again, modified on your knees. Let's do five more of these. Kinda rock back, keep your chest lifted and bring those hands to center. Use your elbows as that point of twist to work the core. You wanna rock right, left. You can keep those legs engaged, it's gonna be a harder workout if you need to drop them down.