- [Narrator] The InMotion T900 Manual Treadmill is designed for a quiet, smooth workout at home. Great for walking, jogging, or running, treadmills are the most used of all exercise equipment for burning calories, toning, and staying in shape. The InMotion treadmill gives you a smooth, quiet workout. There is no electric outlet needed and no motor to maintain so it can be used anywhere. To work legs and glutes even more, adjust to a higher incline. With dual weighted flywheels and a sturdy steel frame, it fits in even the smallest workout areas. The skid-resistant rubber floor protectors maximize stability. You'll stay motivated, on track with your fitness goals with the electric monitor that tracks work out time, speed, distance, and calories burned with simple, one button control. In scan mode, the monitor continually rotates from one function to the next, displaying each function for six seconds. With a textured, non-slip surface, you can walk, run, or jog safely. The foam padded handrail provides extra stability for you. Floor protectors safeguard your workout area and prevent skidding. This treadmill is lightweight and easily folds and rolls to be stored. Get your daily workout no matter what the weather with the InMotion T900 Manual Treadmill.