- We developed the Stamina X Hyper Bench to really target your core muscles. - The core is something that, you know, is the foundation of the human body and very important for just everyday activities. Stamina X line allows somebody to focus and strengthen on that core, and improve their overall health. - We always design Stamina products to be quality and to hold up under residential conditions, and this product is no different. - Stamina X Hyper Bench features solid steel construction. - There's floor protection. It's foldable, it's lightweight, it's easy to move around your home gym. Hyper Bench was designed for hyperextensions, so that will target your glutes and your lower back. - It also is versatile enough to allow somebody to do some pushups and dips, work the obliques and abs. - It's fully adjustable. So, it can be used for all body types and to change the intensity of your exercise. The Stamina X Hyper Bench is an affordable and versatile piece of equipment to add into your home gym.